Module Iso639.Lang

Individual languages and macrolanguages as identified by ISO 639-3.

ISO 639-3 defines language codes for individual languages and macrolanguages. This module defines an abstract denotaion of these language codes. It provides partial conversions to and from language codes of ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2, and one-to-one conversions to and from language codes of ISO 639-3.

ISO 639-1 and 639-2 contains a subset of ISO 639-3 along with a subset of ISO 639-5, so the correspondence is partial in both directions.

type t

A representation of languages present in ISO 639-3.

Basic Operations

val equal : t -> t -> bool

Equality of the corresponding ISO 639-3 language codes.

val compare : t -> t -> int

Lexicographic order of the corresponding ISO 639-3 language codes.

val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp ppf lang prints the ISO 639-3 language code of lang on ppf.

val scope : t -> [> `Individual | `Macro | `Special ]

scope lang is `Individual if lang is an individual language `Macro if lang is a macrolanguage, or `Special if lang is not a language.

val macrolanguage : t -> t option

macrolanguage lang is the macrolanguage including lang, if any.

val macrolanguage_members : t -> t list

If lang is a macrolanguage, then macrolanguage_members lang is the list of individual languages included in lang, otherwise the empty list.


val to_int : t -> int

An injective mapping to 16 bit integers.

val of_int : int -> t option

The partial inverse of to_int.

val of_int_exn : int -> t

The partial inverse of to_int.

raises Invalid_argument

if the argument is out of range.

val to_lang_or_family : t -> Lang_or_family.t

Injection into the combined ISO 639 type.

val of_lang_or_family : Lang_or_family.t -> t option

Restriction from the combined ISO 639 type.

Language Code Conversions

val to_string : t -> string

to_string lang is the ISO 639-3 language code of lang.

val of_string : string -> t option

of_string s is the language represented by the ISO 639-3 language code s.

val of_string_exn : string -> t

of_string_exn s is the language represented by the ISO 639-3 language code s.

val is_iso639p1 : t -> bool

is_iso639p1 lang is true iff lang is represented in ISO 639-1.

val to_iso639p1 : t -> string option

to_iso639p1 lang is the ISO 693-1 language code of lang, if it exists.

val of_iso639p1 : string -> t option

of_iso639p1 s is the language represented by the ISO 639-1 language code s.

val is_iso639p2 : t -> bool

is_iso639p2 lang is true iff lang is represented in ISO 639-2.

val to_iso639p2t : t -> string option

to_iso639p2t lang is the ISO 639-2T language code of lang, if it exists.

val to_iso639p2b : t -> string option

to_iso639p2b lang is the ISO 639-2B language code of lang, if it exists.

val of_iso639p2 : string -> t option

of_iso639p2 s is the language represented by the ISO 639 part 2T or 2B language code s.